Corporations are more prevalently conducting client and other stakeholder communications through online portals. Countless security breaches, data exfiltration and web dephasing are reported daily. Entities large and small are all affected by the risks inherent with conducting business online. There are, however, fundamental strategies to prevent or mitigate damages to your web presence.

  • Create a clone – A simple clone of your static website can go a long way when your company has just suffered an attack. By hosting a clone in another location, you will be able to redirect traffic almost instantly to an undisturbed location which will continue to project your corporate image.
  • Obfuscate your DNS – There are numerous DNS services that will redirect your traffic to the real DNS where your content is allocated. This strategy will protect your company from Denial of Service attacks aimed at overwhelming your servers and causing them to collapse.
  • Get an SSL certificate – Google, who runs the most popular web browser Chrome, recently incorporated rules to warn its users of sites without an SSL certificate. The result is that companies running their websites without SSL will be marked as unsafe, having a potentially negative image on your company.
  • Run your patches – One of the easiest ways hackers exploit a website is by scanning for known vulnerabilities. Most major CMS solutions offer simple scan and patch tools which should be ran regularly. Applying patches consistently is one of the safest ways to prevent website dephasing and intrusion.
  • Check your passwords – This last recommendation seems like the most obvious, yet it is one of the most common failures for companies big and small. We recommend identifying all known entries to your website and securing it with strong, alphanumeric plus symbols, 16+ character password.